• How can I sign up?
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    Sign up for the newsletter to hear about the application launch first!

  • What am I supposed to do there?
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    You will team up to create a web, mobile, or desktop application during a 40 hours non-stop hacking marathon.

  • When and where does the event take place?
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    Sign up to our newsletter to be informed about new HackZurich editions.

  • How much will it cost?
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    HackZurich is completely free! We will provide food, cool swags and awesome tech gadgets as prizes. We also provide travel costs reimbursement, as you can see below.

  • What is the team size?
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    Teams need to have 2 to 5 members when submitting a project.

  • Can we sign up as a team?
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    Participants need to register individually, but you are free to team up with people you already know at the event if all of you are accepted as participants.

  • What if I don’t have an idea or a team?
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    You can join any team or create your own. If you don't have an idea yet, other hackers and the workshops of our sponsors will inspire you.

  • How do I get to Zurich?
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    We work hard to get you to Zurich as cheap as possible. We offer transportation reimbursement accordingly: Coming from … we get you … … less than 350 km … reimbursement up to CHF 50 … from 350 to 700 km … reimbursement up to CHF 100 … more than 700 km … reimbursement up to CHF 150 … outside of Europe … reimbursement up to CHF 300 (According to lutflinie.org) Please bring your receipts to the event to get reimbursed. Reimbursements will only be granted if a project is completed and submitted.

  • Can I get a reimbursement for travel costs if I have to cancel my participation?
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    Travel costs will only be reimbursed if you attend in-person in Zurich and submit a project at the end of the hackathon. Therefore, we can't cover your travel costs if you cancel your participation or decide to switch to attending virtually.

  • Should I work on the project for 40 hours non-stop or can I take a break?
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    Of course you can take a break to refresh your mind! We will provide a nice venue and some facilities to sleep. However, you will prefer working as much as you can – so sleep in! To ensure a fresh working environment and your personal hygiene we’ll provide showers as well.

  • What about intellectual property? Do I own my code?
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    Definitely! You submit the code for the pure purpose of evaluation and awarding, you do not transfer any rights of your work. Registering a patent after showing a demo could be difficult, but patents are so 2001 anyways. You’ll hack two apps in the time of filing one patent.

  • How old do I have to be to participate in HackZurich?
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    You have to be at least 18 years old at the time of the event.

  • How do I find team members?
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    You simply find them at the event or online. Anyone who has an idea can pitch it to the crowd. Moreover, sponsors and partners will also provide their APIs and some challenges that they are facing. You team up with people around you to work on any idea you like!

  • What if I don’t know how to program?
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    If you come willing to learn and full of ideas there will be people eager to teach you what you need to know and put you to work.

  • How does the application process work?
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    We want to make sure that everyone who attends is eager to hack and share knowledge, therefore we will briefly review your registration and come back to you as fast as possible. Please do not book your transportation before you get a final confirmation.

  • Can I come to work on an already existing idea or a project for my start-up?
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    You have to come with an idea that you have not worked on before. If you use any code written specifically for this idea in advance, or work on a new project that is somehow related to an already existing company, you might be asked to leave the event. However, we would be happy to see you as a sponsor – and then you can propose your ideas to the hackers! We cannot allow participants or guests with a commercial interest in the event itself or other participants.

  • What do I need to take with me?
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    The main thing to take is your computer and a charger and if necessary an adapter for the Swiss plug type J. Take some clothes to change. We will provide free food and anything else you might need during the event like sleeping rooms and showers. Please make sure you bring a sleeping bag and sleeping mat with you. The sleeping rooms are only available on Friday and Saturday night. We will inform you about anything additional you need to bring closer to the event.

  • Can I visit the Digital Festival after HackZurich?
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    HackZurich is completely for free. In order to visit the Digital Festival please check www.digitalfestival.ch.

  • What should I do if I have additional questions or just want to express my limitless gratitude?
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    Aw shucks. Well, if you really must thank us, or you have questions about anything we've not covered here, shoot us an email at info@hackzurich.com